Our Services

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Prenatal Care

Comprehensive, holistic, relationship-based prenatal visits starting at 10-12 weeks every 4-5 weeks until 28 weeks, every 2-3 weeks until 36 weeks, and weekly from 36 weeks until your birth. Prenatal visits include any pertinent lab work, vital signs, listening to your baby’s heartbeat, measuring their growth, and checking their position. A prenatal visit usually lasts 45-60 minutes and occurs in your home or our comfortable Beacon-based office.



Following your birth we will assess you and your baby, including a complete physical exam of the newborn. We will visit you for regular postpartum visits  at 1 day, 3 days, 1-2 weeks, and 6 weeks postpartum with extra visits as needed during which we will offer lactation support and postpartum education for the new family. We will also provide pulse-oximetry testing, newborn screening, jaundice checks, and weight assessment for the newborn. All postpartum visits take place in your home. 

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Labor and Birth

When you go into labor, we will be in direct contact with you by phone and text, and when you enter active labor we come to your home to offer labor support and respectful monitoring of you and baby throughout. Your birth team will stay at your home for 2-4 hours after you give birth to make sure all is well. We will monitor your postpartum transition, complete a newborn exam, tidy up your home, and tuck you into bed after a good meal. 

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After giving birth, many parents want to nurse their babies but receive so much conflicting advice that they don't know how to make sense of it all and may lose confidence in their own instincts. We are thrilled to offer additional lactation services as needed under our lactation consultant certification. A lactation consult usually lasts 90 minutes and is offered in your home.


Well Care

Our approach to well-person care is non-judgmental, evidence-based, and considers the whole person. We love supporting clients between pregnancies, developing relationships with clients in the preconception period, and serving those who do not intend a pregnancy. We offer annual exams including paps and sexually transmitted infection testing, contraception care including prescriptions for various options, IUD insertions, and education about Fertility Awareness Method and Natural Family Planning, preconception care, sexual pleasure and comfort counseling, safety in relationships, testing and treatment for vaginal conditions such as yeast and bacterial vaginosis, and routine blood work as indicated. A well-person visit usually lasts 60-90 minutes and is offered in your home or at our comfortable Beacon-based office.

Intrauterine Insemination

We offer intrauterine insemination, or IUI, whether you plan to conceive with sperm from a partner or a donor, in the comfort of your own home as an alternative to the often over-medicalized and depersonalized process commonly found in traditional fertility clinics. You will first meet with us to work through your health history, nutrition, stress levels, current menstrual cycle / sperm health, and plans for the future. After this visit, you have 24/7 email access for cycle tracking support, chart reviews, lab work, and any other questions you have. We are then on call for you to come to your home for the procedure at the time of ovulation, or you can come to our office if you prefer. Instead of stimulating your ovaries with medications and triggering ovulation with an injection, we monitor your body’s signs of fertility and ovulation, timing IUIs around your natural cycle.


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